Warning political satire ahead. If you can't laugh, you take yourself too seriously!
The thrill Chris Matthews felt going up his leg while listening to Obamessiah was misinterpreted.
It should have been the chill going down his spine as he listened to the rhetoric. Quote from "The Chairman" at a news blog I read on a daily basis:
"And the Holy One, Blessed be He, set forth on an important journey, followed by his worshippers, the Enemedia. And everywhere he went there were multitudes, and he said: "We will provide the change people can believe in. For if there is no change, things will be unchanged. And I will bring peace and harmony to the world, and the elite shall bow down to me. I shall talk to Ahmanutjob in Persia, and he shall pound his nuclear sword into harmless plow shares. And I shall bring peace to the world, and all shall love the United States, where I was almost born. And as I return to America, I shall go forth with my mighty sword and an outstreched arm, and oil shall appear as magic from the ground. And I shall perform other such miracles after I become President and Emperor of the World."
Why does the plot of "Animal Farm" come to mind every time O-BOARme begins to speak?
....His quote "We are the one we've been waiting for." reminds me of the speech the farm animals got just before they killed the farmer, and the speech writer...and then life got bad, really, really bad. Change we can believe in? Napoleon from Animal Farm has taken over! Be careful what you wish for...bwahaha!